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Immune insufficiency

Immune insufficiency, also known as immunodeficiency, is a condition in which the immune system's ability to fight infection and disease is impaired. This can lead to increased susceptibility to infections,…


IPL stands for “Intense Pulsed Light”. It is a technology used in cosmetic and medical dermatology for various skin treatments including…

Cold wax

Cold wax is a method of hair removal that works similarly to warm wax, but without the need to heat the wax before use. Cold wax is typically sold in prepared strips, on…


A carbuncle is a serious, deep skin infection that occurs when multiple boils (inflammation of the hair follicles) come together to form a larger inflamed area with multiple spots of pus. Typically, a carbuncle…

Catagen phase

The catagen phase, also known as the transition phase, is the second part of the hair growth cycle and directly follows the anagen phase. During this phase the hair stops growing and prepares…


Keratin is a fibrous protein that is an essential component in skin, hair, nails and the outer layer of other human and animal tissues. It plays a crucial role in…

curly hair

Frizzy hair, often described as Type 4 in the hair type classification, is characterized by a very tight and defined curl that ranges from fine and thin to thick and coarse…


Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body. If left unchecked, the spread can lead to death...

Copper peptides

Copper peptides are small, naturally occurring protein fragments that can bind copper ions. They are known for their healing properties and play an important role in various biological processes in the body, including…

Lannugo hair

Lanugo hair refers to the fine, soft and usually colorless hairs that cover the body of a fetus in the womb. This type of hair begins to develop around the fourth month of pregnancy and…

Laser epilation

Laser epilation, also known as laser hair removal, is a cosmetic treatment method that uses laser light to permanently reduce or remove unwanted body hair. The laser targets the melanin (the pigment) in…


The medulla is the innermost part of the hair shaft and is different in different hair types. It consists of a soft, loose arrangement of cells and air chambers that give the hair additional…


Melanin is a natural pigment that is responsible for the coloring of skin, hair and eyes in humans and animals. It is produced in specialized cells called melanocytes…


Minoxidil is a medication originally developed to treat high blood pressure, but also plays an important role in the treatment of hair loss. It is one of the few of…

Arrector pili muscle

The arrector pili muscle (plural: Musculi arrectores pilorum) is a small, smooth muscle that is connected to every hair follicle in the human body. The main function of this muscle is to…

Needle epilation

Needle epilation, also known as electroepilation, is a method of permanent hair removal that uses electrical current to destroy individual hair follicles. It is considered one of the few truly permanent hair removal procedures and…

Wet shaving

Wet shaving uses water, shaving cream, foam or gel and a sharp razor, usually with one or more blades. The steps include: Preparing the skin: Warm water or steam helps to…

Nd:YAG laser

The neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser, or Nd:YAG laser for short, is a type of solid-state laser that uses neodymium ions in a crystal of yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) as the active medium. These lasers are known for their versatility and effectiveness…


Estrogens are a group of steroid hormones that play a crucial role in the development and regulation of the female reproductive system as well as in the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. However, they are not exclusively…


The papilla is a term used in various contexts of biology and medicine to describe a small, cone- or wart-shaped structure. In the context of hair biology...

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