Needle epilation

Needle epilation, also known as electroepilation, is a method of permanent hair removal that uses electric current to individual Hair follicles to destroy. It is considered one of the few truly permanent hair removal procedures and can be used on almost all skin and Hair types can be applied, including fine and light hair that is difficult to target with laser treatments.


During needle epilation, a thin needle or probe is inserted directly into the hair follicle without piercing the surrounding skin. A short burst of electricity is then delivered, destroying the hair follicle and preventing new hair from growing. There are three main methods of electroepilation:

  1. Thermolysis (high frequency method) : This involves generating heat to destroy the hair follicle.
  2. Galvanic electrolysis : This method uses chemical reactions created by electric current in the follicle to stop hair growth.
  3. Blend Method : A combination of thermolytic and galvanic electrolysis that takes advantage of both methods to increase effectiveness.


  • Permanent hair removal : Needle epilation can permanently remove hair and is particularly effective on white, blonde or gray hair, which is often not affected by laser treatments.
  • Precision : The treatment targets individual hairs, allowing high precision.
  • Versatility : Suitable for all skin and hair types, including sensitive areas such as the face.


  • Time required : Since each hair is treated individually, needle epilation can be very time-consuming for large areas.
  • Pain : Treatment may be painful, especially in sensitive areas. However, local anesthetics can be used to relieve pain.
  • Cost : Multiple sessions are required and the total cost can be high depending on the size of the area being treated and the density of the hair.
  • Risk of side effects : Possible side effects include redness, swelling, infection, and in rare cases scarring.

Treatment process

Treatment should always be carried out by a trained professional to minimize the risk of side effects and maximize effectiveness. The number of sessions required varies depending on the treatment area and hair density, with hair being most sensitive in its growth phase.

Despite the disadvantages, needle epilation remains an effective option for those looking for a permanent solution to unwanted hair, especially in cases where other methods such as the Laser hair removal are not suitable.

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